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Remote View Central
Project summary
Remote viewing is the activity associated with obtaining information about a target without having any normal means of knowing about it. It has been used successfully by the US Army, CIA and for the discovery of archeological artifacts and sites. However, it remains under utilized.
This is likely because It is difficult for remote viewers to submit relevant information and it is also difficult for project leaders to find remote viewers to work with. Remote View Central aims to make it easier for both of these critical groups to find and help each other successfully apply remote viewing to solve real-world problems.
Project aims
- Build and promote a web application that invites remote viewers to submit their information about real-life targets (there will be an option to submit anonymously).
- Build a sophisticated database which allows for ranking and culling of submissions.
- Assess the information.
- Analyze results in relation to the targets.
- Compile and publish the results.
Why is this needed?
Imagine if the use of remote viewing could pin point where the plane MH370 is. Or if it could locate a missing person.
Time and money spent searching as well as the anguish of relatives could be reduced if remote viewing information were used to try to solve such cases.
Remote viewing could also be used to help reduce the time and cost of accessing information about archeological and other targets where excavation of hidden targets is required, for instance paleontology.
Unfortunately, despite being used successfully it is not currently being used by authorities even when there is a pressing need.
This is likely because agencies responsible for high profile cases do not want to be seen using such 'woo woo' techniques. There are no manuals on how to do this or training for those in positions of authority to allow them access the information that could be elicited from remote viewing.
There are remote viewing clubs, societies, organizations and individuals who regularly attempt to use remote viewing to find out information, especially for contemporary high-profile targets. However, there is no centralized place for submission of data or assessment of the information that is obtained in relation to outcomes.
Remote View Central will provide a place for submission of the information and expert analysis of the information.
How will Remote View Central solve this?
The web application will be set up so it can receive information anonymously (if the user chooses to).
It will also be set up so that remote viewers can demonstrate that they have already successfully undertaken remote viewing sessions.
This will help sift the genuine remote viewing submissions which have a high chance of success from those which don't.
Remote View Central will also be used to create a public register of remote viewing information in relation to what eventually becomes known about the targets. If successful, the register will provide an indication of how remote viewing data could be used for future targets. This should encourage wider use of the protocol which will lead to more understanding about it and its potential for use.
Project status
Feedback has been sought and incorporated.
Currently seeking collaborators and funding.
Project funding
It is anticipated that this project will initially require philanthropic funding. It is not suitable for crowdfunding as it involves an ongoing commitment. The site could be constructed so that in the future it is self-maintaining, however, initially it will involve finances to establish the site and promote the idea.
If you are interested to know more or want to be involved, please get in touch: