More about The QIPP Group
QIPP aims to apply, explain and disseminate information about psi research.
QIPP is also dedicated to bringing the fascinating history of the study of psi to wider audience.
Who runs The QIPP Group and why?
Hannah Jenkins, PhD (CV)
The founder of The QIPP Group, Hannah Jenkins, first discovered the parapsychological literature in a dusty old unused section of the library at the University of Sydney.
Since she discovered this much-maligned and hidden world of serious scientific research into psi she has been working on how to understand, apply and explain the phenomena. She has completed a Masters and PhD in analytic philosophy specialising in the philosophy of science and explanation of anomalous phenomena. She has also successfully completed a Graduate Certificate in Commercialisation.
Hannah was born and bred in Canberra with some formative years living in Japan. She has travelled and worked in Europe and Asia. After a stretch in Sydney where she undertook her under graduate and masters degrees, she moved to Hobart, Tasmania in order to undertake her PhD. She has now made the charming city of Hobart her home. She runs QIPP at the same time as working full-time for Tasracing in the capacity as Digital Producer (two seemingly disparate, but reasonably compatible career paths).
Here's her latest column piece. It appears twice a year in March and September in the AIPR Bulletin.
Selection of articles and theses available here.
Inspiration for QIPP
Inspiration for QIPP came from experiencing first-hand how research into psi is still not supported in the mainstream academic community. It is almost impossible to get the usual grants and publications necessary to maintain a career without sacrificing the most compelling aspects of study into psi.
Out of this challenge it is hoped that a better approach to research can be found. An independent institute is able to control both the direction of research and the results of the research. QIPP aims to focus on using the research to solve real-world problems, which in turn should help garner wider acceptance of the study of psi. QIPP will also produce informative productions allowing an audience wider than academia to access the results of the application of psi.
Operating plan
QIPP requires the development of a method of operating and funding which is self-maintaining. So, there are currently two divisions, one which provides research output which is then used to create products and processes that provide funds to feedback into the research.
Organisations that have inspired QIPP already exist in other countries, e.g. Laboratories for Fundamental Research
It is high time we set up one in Australia.
Why is it sometimes referred to as the 'QIPP Group'?
Part of the development plan for QIPP is to create an institute that has multiple eclectic partners who can get together and create, research or produce psi-related experiments, productions or products. The partners might vary at different times, but the aims and quality of the research and productions will be maintained. If you are interested in becoming part of the QIPP Group, get in touch: